% complete list of BibTeX entries for Frieder Stolzenburg @Article{ BR+24, author = {Christoph Beierle and Marco Ragni and Kai Sauerwald and Frieder Stolzenburg and Matthias Thimm}, title = {Formal and cognitive reasoning}, journal = {International Journal of Approximate Reasoning}, year = 2024, volume = 174, number = 109270, pages = {1-4}, publisher = {Elsevier}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2024.109270}, note = {Editorial}, place = {} } @TechReport{ KS24b, author = {Krause, Stefanie and Stolzenburg, Frieder}, title = {From Data to Commonsense Reasoning: The Use of Large Language Models for Explainable {AI}}, year = 2024, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:2407.03778}, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2407.03778}, place = {} } @Article{ ASS24, author = {Pendar Alirezazadeh and Michael Schirrmann and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Comparative Analysis of Deep Learning Methods for Weed Classification of High-Resolution {UAV} Images}, journal = {Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection}, year = 2024, volume = 131, number = 1, pages = {227-236}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s41348-023-00814-9}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @InProceedings{ KS24a, author = {Krause, Stefanie and Stolzenburg, Frieder}, title = {Commonsense Reasoning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence Using Large Language Models}, year = 2024, booktitle = {ECAI 2023 International Workshops}, editor = {S{\l}awomir Nowaczyk and Przemys{\l}aw Biecek and Neo Christopher Chung and Mauro Vallati and Pawe{\l} Skruch and Joanna Jaworek-Korjakowska and Simon Parkinson and Alexandros Nikitas and Martin Atzmüller and Tomáš Kliegr and Ute Schmid and Szymon Bobek and Nada Lavrac and Marieke Peeters and Roland van Dierendonck and Saskia Robben and Eunika Mercier-Laurent and Gülgün Kayakutlu and Mieczyslaw Lech Owoc and Karl Mason and Abdul Wahid and Pierangela Bruno and Francesco Calimeri and Francesco Cauteruccio and Giorgio Terracina and Diedrich Wolter and Jochen L. Leidner and Michael Kohlhase and Vania Dimitrova}, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, series = {CCIS~1947}, pages = {302-319}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50396-2_17}, note = {Part 1}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @InProceedings{ KA+23, author = {Krause, Stefanie and Adler, Simon and Bühl, Johannes and Schenkendorf, René and Schneider, Kerstin and Stolzenburg, Frieder and Transchel, Fabian}, title = {{E}ntwicklung interdisziplinärer {M}odule in der {H}ochschulbildung}, year = 2023, doi = {10.18420/inf2023_57}, booktitle = {INFORMATIK 2023 -- Designing Futures: Zukünfte gestalten}, publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.}, address = {Bonn}, pissn = {1617-5468}, series = {LNI~P-337}, isbn = {978-3-88579-731-9}, pages = {461-464}, url = {https://dl.gi.de/items/e3d0e89d-7bfa-4239-8a1f-589bdd37b515}, note = {{KI}-Bildung -- Ein Workshop zu Aus- und Weiterbildung über Künstliche Intelligenz}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @Proceedings{ BS+23, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Kai Sauerwald and Fran\c{c}ois Schwarzentruber and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Proceedings of FCR-2023 -- 9th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning}, address = {Berlin}, year = 2023, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3500}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3500/}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @Proceedings{ Sto23, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{DC@KI}2023: Proceedings of Doctoral Consortium at {KI} 2023}, address = {Berlin}, year = 2023, publisher = {Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V}, url = {https://dl.gi.de/handle/20.500.12116/42394}, doi = {10.18420/ki2023-dc-00}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @Article{ NA+23, author = {Narendra Narisetti and Muhammad Awais and Muhammad Khan and Frieder Stolzenburg and Nils Stein and Evgeny Gladilin}, title = {Awn Image Analysis and Phenotyping Using {B}arb{N}et}, journal = {Plant Phenomics -- A Science Partner Journal}, volume = 5, number = 0081, year = 2023, url = {https://doi.org/10.34133/plantphenomics.0081}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @Article{ BR+23, author = {Christoph Beierle and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg and Matthias Thimm}, title = {Joining Formal and Cognitive Reasoning}, journal = {Journal of Applied Logics -- The IfCoLog Journal of Logics and their Applications}, year = 2023, volume = 10, number = 2, pages = {115-119}, issn = {2631-9828}, url = {https://www.collegepublications.co.uk/ifcolog/?00058}, note = {Editorial}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @InProceedings{ ASS23b, author = {Pendar Alirezazadeh and Michael Schirrmann and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Weeds Detection in Winter Wheat Field Using {I}mproved-{YOLO}v4 with Attention Module from {UAV} Imagery}, booktitle = {Precision Agriculture '23}, year = 2023, pages = {367-376}, publisher = {Wageningen Academic}, doi = {10.3920/978-90-8686-947-3_45}, url = {https://brill.com/edcollchap/book/9789086869473/BP000046.xml}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ LA+23, author = {Jing Liu and Pendar Alirezazadeh and Tom Kaufmann and Michael Schirrmann and Ludwig Schrenk and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Development of an intelligent {UAV}-based monitoring and mapping system for recording the weed distribution in wheat fields (weed-{AI}-seek)}, booktitle = {{T}agungsband der 23. {N}achwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz}, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Christian Reinboth and Thomas Lohr and Kathleen Vogel}, year = 2023, pages = {78-85}, institution = {Hochschule Harz}, doi = {10.25673/116038}, url = {https://digital.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/pe/content/titleinfo/3284526}, issn = {2627-5708}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ SR+23, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Christian Reinboth and Thomas Lohr and Kathleen Vogel}, title = {{T}agungsband der 23. {N}achwuchswissenschaftler*innenkonferenz}, year = 2023, institution = {Hochschule Harz}, url = {https://digital.bibliothek.uni-halle.de/pe/content/titleinfo/3284526}, doi = {10.25673/116038}, issn = {2627-5708}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ ASS23a, author = {Pendar Alirezazadeh and Michael Schirrmann and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Improving Deep Learning-based Plant Disease Classification with Attention Mechanism}, journal = {Gesunde Pflanzen}, year = 2023, volume = 75, number = 1, pages = {49-59}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s10343-022-00796-y}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @Proceedings{ BR+22, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg and Kai Sauerwald and Matthias Thimm}, title = {Proceedings of FCR-2022 -- 8th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning}, year = 2022, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 3242}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3242}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @Article{ NH+22, author = {Narendra Narisetti and Michael Henke and Kerstin Neumann and Frieder Stolzenburg and Thomas Altmann and Evgeny Gladilin}, title = {Deep Learning Based Greenhouse Image Segmentation and Shoot Phenotyping ({D}eep{S}hoot)}, journal = {Frontiers in Plant Science}, volume = 13, number = 906410, year = 2022, url = {https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2022.906410}, place = {ORDNER 2022/3} } @InProceedings{ SSS21, author = {Claudia Schon and Sophie Siebert and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Negation in Cognitive Reasoning}, booktitle = {KI 2021: Advances in Artificial Intelligence -- 44th German Conference on AI}, editor = {Stefan Edelkamp and Ralf Möller and Elmar Rückert}, year = 2021, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, pages = {217-232}, series = {LNAI~12873}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-87626-5_16}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ BR+21, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg and Matthias Thimm}, title = {Proceedings of FCR-2021 -- 7th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning}, year = 2021, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2961}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2961}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {ORDNER 2020/1} } @InProceedings{ KOS21b, author = {Stefanie Krause and Oliver Otto and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Fast Classification Learning with Neural Networks and Conceptors for Speech Recognition and Car Driving Maneuvers}, pages = {45-57}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MIWAI)}, editor = {Phatthanaphong Chomphuwiset and Junmo Kim and Pornntiwa Pawara}, year = 2021, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, series = {LNAI~12832}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-80253-0_5}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-80253-0_5}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ HS21, author = {Maria Heinze and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Harmony Cognition by Neural Transformation -- An Analysis by {EEG}}, year = 2021, note = {Abstract}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ICMPC-ESCOM 2021} Joint Conference: {16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition} and {11th Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music}}, url = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NXPaqZ7v8DmlYCL586Xg-6O2JH_n8_Wp}, place = {ORDNER 2020/1} } @InProceedings{ HSS21, author = {Florian Hellmund and Kai Steckhan and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{I}ntelligente {B}ilderkennung für einen mobilen {R}oboter-{B}egleiter -- {B}est {B}uddy {I}ntelligence}, year = 2021, note = {Abstract}, pages = {239-242}, booktitle = {21. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz}, editor = {Kristin Mitte}, publisher = {Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena}, isbn = {978-3-932886-36-2}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ KOS21a, author = {Stefanie Krause and Oliver Otto and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Fast Classification Learning with Neural Networks and Conceptors for Speech Recognition and Car Driving Maneuvers}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:2102.05588}, year = 2021, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2102.05588}, place = {ORDNER 2020/1} } @TechReport{ SSS20, author = {Claudia Schon and Sophie Siebert and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Negation in Cognitive Reasoning}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:2012.12641}, year = 2020, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2012.12641}, note = {Latest revision 2021}, place = {ORDNER 2020/1} } @Proceedings{ BR+20, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg and Matthias Thimm}, title = {Proceedings of FCR-2020 -- 6th Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning}, year = 2020, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2680}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2680}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {ORDNER 2020/1} } @TechReport{ HH+20, author = {Maria Heinze and Lars Hausfeld and Rainer Goebel and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Periodicity Pitch Detection in Complex Harmonies on {EEG} Timeline Data}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:2002.04990}, year = 2020, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2002.04990}, place = {ORDNER 2019} } @Article{ ASV19, author = {Claudia Aldinger and Frieder Stolzenburg and Theresa Vitera}, title = {{N}euronale {N}etze funktionieren im {W}esentlichen wie eine {B}lack-{B}ox}, journal = {KAT-Newsletter}, year = 2019, url = {https://www.kat-netzwerk.de/index.php?id=89}, note = {Interview}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ SSS19c, author = {Claudia Schon and Sophie Siebert and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Using {C}oncept{N}et to Teach Common Sense to an Automated Theorem Prover}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Automated Reasoning: Challenges, Applications, Directions, Exemplary Achievements (ARCADE 2019)}, editor = {Martin Suda and Sarah Winkler}, year = 2019, address = {Natal, Brazil}, series = {Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science~311}, pages = {19-24}, url = {https://eptcs.web.cse.unsw.edu.au/paper.cgi?ARCADE2019.3}, doi = {10.4204/EPTCS.311.3}, place = {ORDNER 2019} } @Proceedings{ BR+19, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg and Matthias Thimm}, title = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2019 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning -- 8th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2019) and 7th Workshop {KI} \& Kognition (KIK-2019)}, year = 2019, address = {Kassel}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2445}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2445}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SSS19b, author = {Sophie Siebert and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Commonsense Reasoning using Theorem Proving and Machine Learning}, booktitle = {Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction -- 3rd IFIP TC 5, TC 12, WG 8.4, WG 8.9, WG 12.9 International Cross-Domain Conference, CD-MAKE 2019}, editor = {Andreas Holzinger and Peter Kieseberg and A Min Tjoa and Edgar Weippl}, year = 2019, address = {Canterbury, UK}, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, series = {LNCS~11713}, pages = {395-413}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-29726-8_25}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ MO+19, author = {Olivia Michael and Oliver Obst and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{R}obo{C}up{S}im{D}ata: Software and Data for Machine Learning from {R}obo{C}up Simulation League}, booktitle = {RoboCup 2018: Robot Soccer World Cup XXII. RoboCup International Symposium}, year = 2019, address = {Montréal, Canada}, editor = {Dirk Holz and Katie Genter and Maarouf Saad and Oskar von Stryk}, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, series = {LNAI~11374}, pages = {230-237}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-27544-0_19}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ Sto19b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{H}armoniewahrnehmung durch {P}eriodizitätsdetektion}, year = 2019, pages = {57-84}, publisher = {Peter Lang}, address = {Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Warszawa, Wien}, booktitle = {Harmonie -- musikalisch, philosophisch, psychologisch, neurologisch}, editor = {Martin Ebeling and Morgana Petrik}, isbn = {978-3-631-77202-7}, series = {Schriftenreihe der Carl Stumpf Gesellschaft}, volume = 7, url = {https://www.peterlang.com/view/title/63703}, doi = {10.3726/b14835}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ FH+19b, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Steffen Hölldobler and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, note = {Edited special issue}, title = {Cognitive Reasoning}, journal = {KI}, year = 2019, volume = 33, number = 3, url = {https://link.springer.com/journal/13218/33/3}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ FH+19a, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Steffen Hölldobler and Marco Ragni and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Cognitive Reasoning: A Personal View}, journal = {KI}, year = 2019, volume = 33, number = 3, pages = {209-217}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13218-019-00603-3}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ SSS19a, author = {Claudia Schon and Sophie Siebert and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {The {CoRg} Project: Cognitive Reasoning}, journal = {KI}, year = 2019, volume = 33, number = 3, pages = {293-299}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13218-019-00601-5}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ KS+19, author = {Jerome Kuhle and Kai Steckhan and Frieder Stolzenburg and Christian Guder}, title = {{B}est {B}uddy -- Ein intelligenter {R}oboter mit {S}martphone}, year = 2019, pages = 21, editor = {Jörg Kirbs}, note = {Abstract}, booktitle = {20. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz}, address = {Hochschule Merseburg}, place = {ORDNER 2019} } @InProceedings{ OS19, author = {Oliver Otto and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{A}nalyse von {S}martphone-{S}ensordaten mit rekurrenten neuronalen {N}etzen zur {K}lassifikation von {F}ahrmanövern}, year = 2019, pages = 15, editor = {Jörg Kirbs}, note = {Abstract}, booktitle = {20. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz}, address = {Hochschule Merseburg}, place = {ORDNER 2019} } @InProceedings{ SS19, author = {Sophie Siebert and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{CoRg}: Commonsense Reasoning Using a Theorem Prover and Machine Learning}, booktitle = {Selected Student Contributions and Workshop Papers of LuxLogAI 2018}, editor = {Christoph Benzmüller and Xavier Parent and Alexander Steen}, year = 2019, pages = {20-26}, publisher = {EasyChair}, series = {Kalpa Publications in Computing}, volume = 10, url = {https://easychair.org/publications/paper/hDX6}, doi = {10.29007/lt5p}, issn = {2515-1762}, note = {Deduktionstreffen 2018, Luxembourg}, place = {ORDNER 2019} } @TechReport{ Sto19a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{L}ogik für {I}nformatiker}, address = {Hochschule Harz}, institution = {Fachbereich Automatisierung und Informatik}, year = 2019, url = {https://opendata.uni-halle.de/handle/1981185920/13944}, doi = {10.25673/13827}, type = {WAIT -- Wernigeröder Automatisierungs- und Informatiktexte}, number = {01/2018}, issn = {2702-2293}, place = {ORDNER 2019} } @InProceedings{ HH+19, author = {Maria Heinze and Lars Hausfeld and Rainer Goebel and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Periodicity Pitch Detection in Complex Harmonies on {EEG} Timeline Data}, year = 2019, note = {Abstract Book}, booktitle = {Frequency Following Response -- FFR Workshop 2019}, editor = {Axelle Calcus and Tim Schoof}, address = {London}, url = {https://ffrworkshop.files.wordpress.com/2019/06/abstractbook-ffr-workshop-2019.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2018} } @InProceedings{ SMO18, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Olivia Michael and Oliver Obst}, title = {The Power of Simple Recurrent Neural Networks}, booktitle = {Cognitive Computing -- Merging Concepts with Hardware}, year = 2018, address = {Hannover}, editor = {Daniel Brunner and Herbert Jaeger and Stuart Parkin and Gordon Pipa}, note = {Received Prize for Most Technologically Feasible Poster Contribution}, url = {http://www.ai.rug.nl/minds/cogcompconf.html}, place = {ORDNER 2018} } @InProceedings{ OSM18, author = {Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg and Olivia Michael}, title = {The Power of Linear Recurrent Neural Networks}, booktitle = {NeuroEng 2018 -- 11th Australasian Workshop on Neuro-Engineering and Computational Neuroscience}, year = 2018, address = {Sydney}, note = {Poster}, place = {ORDNER 2018} } @InProceedings{ MO+18, author = {Olivia Michael and Oliver Obst and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Analysing Soccer Games with Clustering and Conceptors}, booktitle = {RoboCup 2017: Robot Soccer World Cup XXI. RoboCup International Symposium}, year = 2018, address = {Nagoya, Japan}, editor = {Hidehisa Akyama and Oliver Obst and Claude Sammut and Flavio Tonidandel}, publisher = {Springer Nature Switzerland}, pages = {120-131}, series = {LNAI~11175}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00308-1_10}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ BK+18, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg and Matthias Thimm}, title = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2018 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning -- 7th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2018) and 6th Workshop {KI} \& Kognition (KIK-2018)}, year = 2018, address = {Berlin}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2194}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2194}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ HGS18b, author = {Maria Heinze and Rainer Goebel and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Application of Recurrent Neural Networks on f{MRI} and {EEG} Timeline Data in Music Cognition}, year = 2018, pages = 22, note = {Abstract}, booktitle = {{K}og{W}is 2018: Computational Approaches to Cognitive Science -- 14th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science}, editor = {Constantin A. Rothkopf and Dirk Balfanz and Ralf Galuske and Frank Jäkel and Kristian Kersting and Jakob Macke and Betty Mohler}, address = {Darmstadt}, url = {https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/media-einrichtungen/kogwis2018/proceedings/KogWis2018_AbstractsProgram-v05.pdf}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ HGS18a, author = {Maria Heinze and Rainer Goebel and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Application of Machine Learning Techniques on f{MRI} and {EEG} Timeline Data}, year = 2018, note = {Abstract}, booktitle = {19. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz}, address = {Hochschule Anhalt, Köthen}, place = {ORDNER 2018} } @TechReport{ SL+18, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Sandra Litz and Olivia Michael and Oliver Obst}, title = {The Power of Linear Recurrent Neural Networks}, year = 2018, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1802.03308}, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1802.03308}, note = {Latest revision 2024}, place = {ORDNER 2019} } @TechReport{ MO+17b, author = {Olivia Michael and Oliver Obst and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{R}obo{C}up{S}im{D}ata: A {R}obo{C}up soccer research dataset}, year = 2017, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1711.01703}, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1711.01703}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ SL17, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Raimund Lüderitz}, title = {Syllogistic Reasoning in Seven Spaces}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2017 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning -- 6th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2017) and 5th Workshop {KI} \& Kognition (KIK-2017)}, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, pages = {77-88}, address = {Dortmund}, year = 2017, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1928}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1928/paper7.pdf}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ BK+17, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2017 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning -- 6th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2017) and 5th Workshop {KI} \& Kognition (KIK-2017)}, year = 2017, address = {Dortmund}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1928}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1928}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ MO+17a, author = {Olivia Michael and Oliver Obst and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Analysing Soccer Games with Clustering and Conceptors}, year = 2017, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1708.05821}, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1708.05821}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ Sto17b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Periodicity Detection by Neural Transformation}, booktitle = {{ESCOM} 2017 -- 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music}, year = 2017, address = {Ghent, Belgium}, editor = {Van Dyck, Edith}, publisher = {IPEM, Ghent University}, pages = {159-162}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto17b.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2016} } @InProceedings{ Sto17a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Periodicity Detection by Neural Transformation}, booktitle = {{ESCOM} 2017 -- 25th Anniversary Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music}, year = 2017, address = {Ghent, Belgium}, editor = {Van Dyck, Edith}, publisher = {IPEM, Ghent University}, note = {Book of Abstracts}, pages = {104-105}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ OSS17, author = {Matthias Oelze and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Clusterbasierte {O}nline-{A}nalyse von {3D}-{L}aserscans}, booktitle = {Tagungsband zur 18. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz (NWK18)}, year = 2017, pages = {330-335}, address = {Hochschule Mittweida}, issn = {1437-7624}, series = {Wissenschaftliche Berichte}, volume = 1, url = {https://www.forschung.hs-mittweida.de/veroeffentlichungen/scientific-reports/scientific-reports-2017.html}, place = {ORDNER 2015} } @Proceedings{ SP+17, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Hardy Pundt and Michael Pflanz and Michael Schirrmann}, year = 2017, title = {Proceedings {22. und 23. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse und Unbemannte autonom fliegende Systeme (UAS) in der Landwirtschaft}}, series = {Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 93}, issn = {0947-7314}, url = {https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-slbp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/11759}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ SS+16, editor = {Chattrakul Sombattheera and Frieder Stolzenburg and Fangzhen Lin and Abhaya Nayak}, title = {Proceedings of the 10th Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MIWAI)}, year = 2016, address = {Chiang Mai, Thailand}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~10053}, url = {https://www.springer.com/de/book/9783319493961}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-49397-8}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ WS16, author = {Claus-Peter Wirth and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Series of Revisions of {D}avid {P}oole's Specificity}, journal = {Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence}, year = 2016, volume = 78, number = 3, pages = {205-258}, note = {Special issue on {Belief Change and Argumentation in Multi-Agent Scenarios}. Issue editors: Jürgen Dix, Sven Ove Hansson, Gabriele Kern-Isberner, Guillermo Simari}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10472-015-9471-9}, place = {ORDNER 2014} } @InProceedings{ BK+16, author = {Christoph Beierle and Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Formal and Cognitive Reasoning}, year = 2016, pages = {99-101}, note = {Abstract of Symposium~1}, booktitle = {{K}og{W}is 2016: Space for Cognition -- Proceedings of 13th Biannual Conference of the German Cognitive Science Society}, editor = {Thomas Barkowsky and Falomir Llansola, Zoe and Holger Schultheis and van de Ven, Jasper}, address = {Bremen}, url = {https://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:gbv:46-00105521-19}, place = {EXTERN} } @TechReport{ SR16, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Florian Ruh}, title = {Neural Networks and Continuous Time}, year = 2016, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1606.04466}, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1606.04466}, place = {ORDNER 2016} } @InProceedings{ OSS16, author = {Matthias Oelze and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{M}ultikopter und {I}nfrarottechnologie}, year = 2016, booktitle = {Proceedings {22. und 23. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse und Unbemannte autonom fliegende Systeme (UAS) in der Landwirtschaft}}, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Hardy Pundt and Michael Pflanz and Michael Schirrmann}, address = {Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode}, pages = {41-52}, url = {https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-slbp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/11759}, series = {Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 93}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ Sto15, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Harmony Perception by Periodicity Detection}, journal = {Journal of Mathematics and Music: Mathematical and Computational Approaches to Music Theory, Analysis, Composition and Performance}, year = 2015, volume = 9, number = 3, pages = {215-238}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17459737.2015.1033024}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ BK+15, editor = {Christoph Beierle and Gabriele Kern-Isberner and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2015 Workshop on Formal and Cognitive Reasoning -- 5th Workshop on Dynamics of Knowledge and Belief (DKB-2015) and 4th Workshop {KI} \& Kognition (KIK-2015)}, year = 2015, address = {Dresden}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1444}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1444/}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ FS+15b, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg and Karl-Heinz Weis and Claus-Peter Wirth}, title = {The {R}atio{L}og Project: Rational Extensions of Logical Reasoning}, journal = {KI}, year = 2015, volume = 29, number = 3, pages = {271-277}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13218-015-0377-9}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ RS15b, author = {Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Higher-Level Cognition and Computation: A Survey}, journal = {KI}, year = 2015, volume = 29, number = 3, pages = {247-253}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13218-015-0375-y}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ RS15a, author = {Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Special issue on {Higher-Level Cognition and Computation}}, note = {Editorial}, journal = {KI}, year = 2015, volume = 29, number = 3, pages = {243-245}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13218-015-0383-y}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ FS+15a, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg and Karl-Heinz Weis and Claus-Peter Wirth}, title = {The {R}atio{L}og Project: Rational Extensions of Logical Reasoning}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1503.06087}, year = 2015, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1503.06087}, place = {EXTERN} } @Article{ BS15, author = {Max Biederbeck and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{A}ngst vor {K}iller-{R}obotern: {W}arum ein deutscher {P}rofessor den offenen {B}rief von {M}usk und {H}awking unterschrieben hat}, journal = {Wired}, year = 2015, volume = {349/611}, url = {https://www.wired.de/collection/science/auch-ein-deutscher-professor-hat-elon-musks-brief-gegen-killer-roboter}, note = {Interview}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ OSS15, author = {Matthias Oelze and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{S}mart-{K}amera-basierte {O}nline-{B}ildanalyse von {I}nfrarot- und {S}tereobildern an {M}ultikoptern}, year = 2015, booktitle = {Proceedings {20. und 21. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft} und {3. Workshop Unbemannte autonom fliegende Systeme (UAS) in der Landwirtschaft}}, editor = {Manuela Zude-Sasse and Martin Kraft}, address = {Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig}, series = {Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 88}, pages = {124-128}, url = {https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-slbp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/7595}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ FSS15b, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Automated Reasoning for Robot Ethics}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1502.05838}, year = 2015, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1502.05838}, place = {EXTERN} } @Article{ FSS15a, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Cognitive Systems and Question Answering}, year = 2015, journal = {Industrie 4.0 Management}, volume = 31, number = 1, pages = {29-32}, publisher = {GITO}, url = {https://t1p.de/CogSysQA}, www = {https://www.industrie-management.de/sites/industrie-management.de/files/sonderdrucke/fuhrbach_Cognitive_Systems-and-Question_Answering_IM2015_1.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ FSS14e, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Cognitive Systems and Question Answering}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1411.4825}, year = 2014, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1411.4825}, place = {EXTERN} } @TechReport{ FSS14d, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Automated Reasoning in Deontic Logic}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1411.4823}, year = 2014, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1411.4823}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ FSS14c, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Automated Reasoning in Deontic Logic}, pages = {57-68}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MIWAI)}, address = {Bangalore, India}, editor = {M. Narasimha Murty and Xiangjian He and Raghavendra Rao Chillarige and Paul Weng}, year = 2014, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~8875}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-13365-2_6}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ FSS14b, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Automated Reasoning in Deontic Logic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2014 Workshop on Higher-Level Cognition and Computation}, address = {Stuttgart}, year = 2014, pages = {7-18}, editor = {Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, url = {https://www.sfbtr8.spatial-cognition.de/aigaion/index.php/attachments/single/SFB_TR8Rep037-09_2014.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2013} } @Proceedings{ RS14, editor = {Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2014 Workshop on Higher-Level Cognition and Computation}, address = {Stuttgart}, year = 2014, series = {SFB/TR 8 Report No. 037-09/2014}, url = {https://www.sfbtr8.spatial-cognition.de/aigaion/index.php/attachments/single/SFB_TR8Rep037-09_2014.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2013} } @InProceedings{ Sto14b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Harmony Perception by Periodicity Detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ICMPC-APSCOM 2014} Joint Conference: {13th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition} and {5th Conference of the Asian-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music}}, address = {Seoul, South Korea}, year = 2014, editor = {Moo Kyoung Song}, pages = {27-31}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto14.pdf}, publisher = {College of Music, Yonsei University}, place = {ORDNER 2012} } @InProceedings{ Sto14a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Harmony Perception by Periodicity Detection}, booktitle = {{ICMPC-APSCOM 2014} Joint Conference: {13th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition} and {5th Conference of the Asian-Pacific Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music}}, address = {Seoul, South Korea}, year = 2014, editor = {Moo Kyoung Song}, note = {Book of Abstracts}, page = {13-14}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ FSS14a, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Claudia Schon and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Automated Reasoning in Deontic Logic}, booktitle = {Informal Proceedings of {Joint Automated Reasoning Workshop and Deduktionstreffen}}, address = {Wien, Austria}, year = 2014, pages = {14-15}, url = {https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~mmk/events/ARW-DT2014/proceedings.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2014} } @InProceedings{ WS14, author = {Claus-Peter Wirth and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {David {P}oole's Specificity Revised}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning}, address = {Wien, Austria}, editor = {Chitta Baral and Giuseppe De Giacomo and Thomas Eiter}, publisher = {AAAI Press, Palo Alto, California}, year = 2014, pages = {168-177}, url = {https://www.aaai.org/ocs/index.php/KR/KR14/paper/download/7799/7926}, place = {ORDNER 2014} } @InProceedings{ MSS14b, author = {Matthias Marks and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Optische {S}ensorik an {M}ultikoptern}, year = 2014, booktitle = {Proceedings {20. und 21. Workshop Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft} und {3. Workshop Unbemannte autonom fliegende Systeme (UAS) in der Landwirtschaft}}, editor = {Manuela Zude-Sasse and Martin Kraft}, address = {Hochschule Osnabrück}, pages = {151-158}, series = {Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Heft 88}, url = {https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-slbp/frontdoor/index/index/docId/7595}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ MSS14a, author = {Matthias Marks and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Komplexe {S}ensorik an {M}ultikoptern}, booktitle = {15. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz ost- und mitteldeutscher {F}achhochschulen}, year = 2014, pages = {412-418}, address = {Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Magdeburg}, editor = {Jan Mugele and Gabriele Helga Franke and Doreen Schincke}, note = {Received 3rd Place in Best Paper Award}, isbn = {978-3-935831-58-1}, url = {https://www.hs-magdeburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/Einrichtungen/Pressestelle/files/nwk-15/Tagungsband-NWK15.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2015} } @InCollection{ SRS13, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Florian Ruh and Falk Schmidsberger}, title = {{O}bjekterkennung mit {M}ultikoptern}, year = 2013, publisher = {Heenemann GmbH \& Co. KG}, address = {Berlin}, booktitle = {{F}estschrift zum 20. {J}ubiläum des {F}achbereichs {A}utomatisierung und {I}nformatik}, editor = {Bernhard Zimmermann}, isbn = {978-3-00-040561-7}, pages = {100-103}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SS13b, author = {Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Semantic Object Recognition with Segment Faces}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2013 Workshop on Visual and Spatial Cognition}, editor = {Marco Ragni and Michael Raschke and Frieder Stolzenburg}, pages = {21-28}, year = 2013, address = {Koblenz}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1055}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1055/paper3.pdf}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {ORDNER 2013} } @Proceedings{ RRS13, editor = {Marco Ragni and Michael Raschke and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Proceedings of the {KI} 2013 Workshop on Visual and Spatial Cognition}, year = 2013, address = {Koblenz}, series = {SFB/TR 8 Report No. 034-08/2013}, url = {https://www.sfbtr8.spatial-cognition.de/papers/SFB_TR8Rep034-08_2013.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2013} } @TechReport{ WS13, author = {Claus-Peter Wirth and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {David {P}oole's Specificity Revised}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1308.4943}, year = 2013, series = {SEKI Report SR-2013-01}, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1308.4943}, place = {ORDNER 2014} } @TechReport{ Sto13, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Harmony Perception by Periodicity Detection}, institution = {Cornell University Library}, type = {{CoRR} -- Computing Research Repository}, number = {arXiv:1306.6458}, year = 2013, note = {Latest revision 2018}, url = {https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.1306.6458}, place = {ORDNER 2016} } @InProceedings{ SS13a, author = {Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Semantische {O}bjekterkennung mit {M}ethoden des {M}aschinellen {L}ernens}, year = 2013, booktitle = {Proceedings 19. Workshop {Computer-Bildanalyse in der Landwirtschaft} und 2. Workshop {Unbemannte autonom fliegende Systeme (UAS) in der Landwirtschaft}}, address = {Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin}, editor = {Robin Gebbers and Manuela Zude}, pages = {179-186}, series = {Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte~81}, issn = {0947-7314}, url = {https://opus4.kobv.de/opus4-slbp/files/3617/Heft_81.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SS12, author = {Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Object Recognition with Multicopters}, pages = {83-87}, booktitle = {Poster and Demo Track of the 35th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI--2012)}, year = 2012, editor = {Stefan Wölfl}, address = {Saarbrücken}, url = {https://www.dfki.de/KI2012/PosterDemoTrack/ki2012pd18.pdf}, note = {Received Best Poster and Demo Presentation Award}, place = {ORDNER 2013} } @Proceedings{ BRS12, editor = {Thomas Barkowsky and Marco Ragni and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Human Reasoning and Automated Deduction -- {KI} 2012 Workshop Proceedings}, year = 2012, address = {Saarbrücken}, series = {SFB/TR 8 Report No. 032-09/2012}, url = {https://www.sfbtr8.spatial-cognition.de/papers/SFB_TR8Rep032-09_2012.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2013} } @InProceedings{ Sto12b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Harmony Perception by Periodicity and Granularity Detection}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition} and {8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music}}, editor = {Emilios Cambouropolos and Costas Tsougras and Panayotis Mavromatis and Konstantinos Pastiadis}, year = 2012, pages = {958-959}, address = {Thessaloniki, Greece}, url = {https://icmpc-escom2012.web.auth.gr/files/papers/958_Proc.pdf}, isbn = {978-960-99845-1-5}, place = {ORDNER 2012} } @InProceedings{ Sto12a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Harmony Perception by Periodicity and Granularity Detection}, booktitle = {{12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition} and {8th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music}}, editor = {Emilios Cambouropolos and Costas Tsougras and Panayotis Mavromatis and Konstantinos Pastiadis}, year = 2012, pages = 75, address = {Thessaloniki, Greece}, note = {Book of Abstracts}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ RS12, author = {Florian Ruh and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Implementing Hierarchical Hybrid Automata {HHA} into the Robot Operating System {ROS} for Validation of Multi-Robot Systems}, year = 2012, booktitle = {{C}og{S}ys 2012 -- 5th International Conference on Cognitive Systems -- Collection of Posters}, address = {TU Wien, Austria}, pages = 111, note = {Poster}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ SR11, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Florian Ruh}, title = {12. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz mitteldeutscher {F}achhochschulen}, year = 2011, address = {Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode}, publisher = {Koch-Druck, Halberstadt}, note = {Tagungsband}, isbn = {978-3-00-034329-2}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/SR11.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SS11b, author = {Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Semantic Object Recognition in Digital Images}, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Florian Ruh}, booktitle = {12. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz mitteldeutscher {F}achhochschulen}, year = 2011, address = {Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode}, publisher = {Koch-Druck, Halberstadt}, pages = {67-72}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/SS11b.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SS11a, author = {Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Semantic Object Recognition Using Clustering and Decision Trees}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence}}, address = {Rome, Italy}, year = 2011, pages = {670-673}, editor = {Joaquim Filipe and Ana Fred}, volume = 1, isbn = {978-989-8425-40-9}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto10d, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Periodicity-Based Approach on Harmony Perception Including Non-Western Scales}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition}}, year = 2010, address = {Seattle, Washington, USA}, editor = {Steven M. Demorest and Steven J. Morrison and Patricia Sheehan Campbell}, pages = {683-687}, isbn = {1-876346-62-0}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto10d.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2009 B} } @InProceedings{ Sto10c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Periodicity-Based Approach on Harmony Perception Including Non-Western Scales}, booktitle = {11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition -- Program \& Abstract Book}, year = 2010, address = {Seattle, Washington, USA}, editor = {Steven M. Demorest}, pages = 109, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ Sto10b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{F}orschung an der {H}ochschule {H}arz ({FH})}, journal = {Die Neue Hochschule (DNH)}, year = 2010, volume = 51, number = {2-3/10}, pages = {56-57}, issn = {0340-448x}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ MFS10, author = {Ammar Mohammed and Ulrich Furbach and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Multi-Robot Systems: Modeling, Specification, and Model Checking}, year = 2010, publisher = {IN-TECH}, booktitle = {Robot Soccer}, editor = {Vladan Papic}, isbn = {978-953-307-036-0}, pages = {241-266}, chapter = 11, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.5772/7349}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ Sto10a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Localization, Exploration, and Navigation Based on Qualitative Angle Information}, journal = {Spatial Cognition and Computation: an Interdisciplinary Journal}, year = 2010, volume = 10, number = 1, pages = {28-52}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13875860903374074}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SR10, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Florian Ruh}, title = {Neural Networks and Continuous Time}, year = 2010, booktitle = {{C}og{S}ys 2010 -- 4th International Conference on Cognitive Systems -- Collection of Posters}, address = {ETH Zürich, Switzerland}, pages = 42, note = {Poster}, url = {https://www.cogsys2010.ethz.ch/doc/cogsys2010_proceedings/cogsys2010_0022.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SMS10, author = {Christian Schwarz and Ammar Mohammed and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Tool Environment for Specifying and Verifying Multi-Agent Systems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {2nd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence}}, address = {Valencia, Spain}, editor = {Joaquim Filipe and Ana Fred and Bernadette Sharp}, pages = {323-326}, volume = 2, year = 2010, isbn = {978-989-674-022-1}, url = {https://www.scitepress.org/Papers/2010/27277/27277.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2009 A} } @InProceedings{ Sto09, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Periodicity-Based Theory for Harmony Perception and Scales}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {10th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference}}, editor = {Keiji Hirata and George Tzanetakis and Kazuyoshi Yoshii}, address = {Kobe, Japan}, year = 2009, pages = {87-92}, isbn = {978-0-9813537-0-8}, url = {https://ismir2009.ismir.net/proceedings/PS1-6.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SR09b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Florian Ruh}, title = {Neural Networks and Continuous Time}, year = 2009, booktitle = {{KI} 2009 -- 32nd Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Paderborn}, editor = {Klaus-Dieter Althoff and Kerstin Bach and Meike Reichle}, pages = 19, series = {Workshop Proceedings}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SR09a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Florian Ruh}, title = {Neural Networks and Continuous Time}, year = 2009, booktitle = {Proceedings of {KI 2009 Workshop Complex Cognition}}, address = {Paderborn}, editor = {Ute Schmid and Marco Ragni and Markus Knauff}, pages = {25-36}, publisher = {Universität Bamberg}, series = {Bamberger Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandten Informatik 82}, issn = {0937-3349}, url = {https://www.cogsys.wiai.uni-bamberg.de/KI09WSCoCo/KI09-WS-CoCo-ProceedingsBB.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2009 B} } @TechReport{ MS09, author = {Ammar Mohammed and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Using Constraint Logic Programming for Modeling and Verifying Hierarchical Hybrid Automata}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2009, type = {Arbeitsberichte des Fachbereichs Informatik}, number = {6/2009}, issn = {1864-0346}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz.de/~fb4reports/2009/2009_06_Arbeitsberichte.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2009 A} } @InProceedings{ MS08, author = {Ammar Mohammed and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Implementing Hierarchical Hybrid Automata Using Constraint Logic Programming}, year = 2008, booktitle = {Proceedings of {22nd Workshop on (Constraint) Logic Programming}}, editor = {Sibylle Schwarz}, address = {Dresden}, pages = {60-71}, publisher = {University Halle Wittenberg, Institute of Computer Science}, series = {Technical Report 2008/08}, url = {https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ RS08, author = {Florian Ruh and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Translating Cooperative Strategies for Robot Behavior}, year = 2008, booktitle = {Proceedings of {4th Workshop on Knowledge Engineering and Software Engineering} at {31st German Conference on Artificial Intelligence}}, editor = {Grzegorz J. Nalepa and Joachim Baumeister}, address = {Kaiserslautern}, pages = {85-96}, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings 425}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-425/paper9.pdf}, issn = {1613-0073}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ FM+08b, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Jan Murray and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Model Checking Hybrid Multiagent Systems for the {R}obo{C}up}, editor = {Ubbo Visser and Fernando Ribeiro and Takeshi Ohashi and Frank Dellaert}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup~{XI}}, address = {Atlanta, GA}, year = 2008, pages = {262-269}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~5001}, url = {https://drive.google.com/file/u/0/d/1DlXgk9A6wqHoli5K5E-X5KME5n33Fksr/view}, doi = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-68847-1_24}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ SS08, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Falk Schmidsberger}, title = {{A}genten, {R}oboter und {K}ünstliche {I}ntelligenz}, year = 2008, publisher = {Koch-Druck}, address = {Halberstadt}, booktitle = {Festschrift 15 Jahre Hochschule Harz}, editor = {Armin Willingmann}, isbn = {978-3-00-022117-0}, pages = {138-145}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ RR+08, author = {Christian Reinl and Florian Ruh and Frieder Stolzenburg and Oskar von Stryk}, title = {Multi-Robot Systems Optimization and Analysis Using {MILP} and {CLP}}, year = 2008, booktitle = {Workshop~1: {Formal Models and Methods for Multi-Robot Systems} at {7th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems}}, editor = {Pedro U. Lima and Nikos Vlassis and Matthijs Spaan and Francisco S. Melo}, pages = {11-16}, publisher = {International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (IFAAMAS)}, address = {Estoril, Portugal}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/RR+08.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ DF+08, author = {Frank Dylla and Alexander Ferrein and Gerhard Lakemeyer and Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Thomas Röfer and Stefan Schiffer and Frieder Stolzenburg and Ubbo Visser and Thomas Wagner}, title = {Approaching a formal soccer theory from behaviour specifications in robotic soccer}, year = 2008, booktitle = {Computers in Sport}, editor = {Peter Dabnichcki and Arnold Baca}, pages = {161-185}, publisher = {WIT Press}, address = {Southampton, Boston}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ FM+08a, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Jan Murray and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Hybrid Multiagent Systems with Timed Synchronization -- Specification and Model Checking}, year = 2008, booktitle = {Post-Proceedings of {5th International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems} at {6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems}}, address = {Honolulu}, editor = {Mehdi Dastani and Amal {El Fallah Seghrouchni} and Alessandro Ricci and Michael Winikoff}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~4908}, pages = {205-220}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-79043-3_13}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ FM+07b, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Jan Murray and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Hybrid Multiagent Systems with Timed Synchronization -- Specification and Model Checking}, year = 2007, booktitle = {Proceedings of {5th International Workshop on Programming Multi-Agent Systems} at {6th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems}}, editor = {Mehdi Dastani and Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni and Alessandro Ricci and Michael Winikoff}, address = {Honolulu, Hawaii}, pages = {170-185}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ CD+07, author = {Carlos I. Chesñevar and Jürgen Dix and Guillermo R. Simari and Ana G. Maguitman and Frieder Stolzenburg and Wojciech Jamroga and Sergio Alejandro Gómez and Nils Bulling}, title = {Modelado de {I}nferencia y {P}referencias en {S}istemas {M}ultiagentes utilizando {A}rgumentación}, year = 2007, booktitle = {Proceedings of {IX Workshop of Researchers in Computer Science}}, editor = {Zulema Rosanigo}, address = {Trelew, Argentina}, publisher = {Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco}, pages = {134-137}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ Sto07, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Localization, Exploration, and Navigation Based on Qualitative Angle Information}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {AISB'07} Annual Convention -- Artificial and Ambient Intelligence}, year = 2007, editor = {Patrick Olivier and Christian Kray}, pages = {479-484}, publisher = {Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour}, address = {Newcastle upon Tyne}, series = {Symposium {Spatial Reasoning and Communication}}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto07.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ FM+07a, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Jan Murray and Falk Schmidsberger and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Hybrid Multiagent Systems with Timed Synchronization -- Specification and Model Checking}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2007, type = {Arbeitsberichte des Fachbereichs Informatik}, number = {14/2007}, issn = {1864-0346}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz.de/~fb4reports/2007/2007_14_Arbeitsberichte.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2009 A} } @InProceedings{ Sto06c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Multi-Robot System Specification and Analysis with Hybrid State Machines}, booktitle = {Multi-Robot Systems: Perception, Behaviors, Learning, and Action}, year = 2006, editor = {Hans-Dieter Burkhard and Martin Riedmiller and Uwe Schwiegelshohn and Manuela Veloso}, pages = 7, series = {Dagstuhl Seminar 06251 Abstracts Collections}, url = {https://drops.dagstuhl.de/portals/06251/}, place = {EXTERN} } @Article{ SMS06, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Jan Murray and Karsten Sturm}, title = {Multiagent Matching Algorithms With and Without Coach}, journal = {Journal of Decision Systems}, year = 2006, volume = 15, number = {2-3}, pages = {215-240}, note = {Special issue on {Decision Support Systems}. Issue editors: Fatima C. C. Dargam and Pascale Zarate}, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3166/jds.15.215-240}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ Sto06b, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {2. {W}ernigeröder {A}utomatisierungs- und {I}nformatiktage}, year = 2006, address = {Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode}, note = {Tagungsband}, series = {Harzer Hochschultexte~8}, publisher = {Koch-Druck, Halberstadt}, issn = {1619-7232}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto06b.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ MSA06, author = {Jan Murray and Frieder Stolzenburg and Toshiaki Arai}, title = {Hybrid State Machines with Timed Synchronization for Multi-Robot System Specification}, journal = {KI}, year = 2006, volume = 20, number = 3, pages = {45-50}, place = {REGAL} } @Proceedings{ Sto06a, editor = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {7. {N}achwuchswissenschaftlerkonferenz mitteldeutscher {F}achhochschulen}, year = 2006, address = {Hochschule Harz, Wernigerode}, note = {Tagungsband}, publisher = {Koch-Druck, Halberstadt}, isbn = {3-00-018148-2}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto06a.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ MS05, author = {Jan Murray and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Hybrid State Machines with Timed Synchronization for Multi-Robot System Specification}, pages = {236-241}, year = 2005, booktitle = {Proceedings of {12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence}}, address = {Covilhã, Portugal}, editor = {Carlos Bento and Amílcar Cardoso and Ga{\"e}l Dias}, publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Inc.}, isbn = {0-7803-9365-1}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ Sto05b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Multiagent Systems and {R}obo{C}up: Specification, Analysis, and Theoretical Results}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, address = {Koblenz}, year = 2005, type = {Habilitation}, note = {Reviewers: Armin Cremers, Ulrich Furbach, and Klaus Troitzsch}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/habil/}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ MSA05, author = {Jan Murray and Frieder Stolzenburg and Toshiaki Arai}, title = {Hybrid State Machines with Timed Synchronization for Multi-Robot System Specification}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2005, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {14/2005}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2005/rr-14-2005.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2005 A} } @InProceedings{ Sto05a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Multiagent Systems and Decision Making}, year = 2005, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Joint Workshop on Decision Support Systems, Experimental Economics and e-Participation}}, address = {Graz, Austria}, pages = 126, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ DF+05, author = {Frank Dylla and Alexander Ferrein and Gerhard Lakemeyer and Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Thomas Röfer and Frieder Stolzenburg and Ubbo Visser and Thomas Wagner}, title = {Towards a League-Independent Qualitative Soccer Theory for {R}obo{C}up}, year = 2005, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up 2004: Robot Soccer World Cup~{VIII}}, editor = {Daniele Nardi and Martin Riedmiller and Claude Sammut and José Santos-Victor}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~3276}, pages = {611-618}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-32256-6_58}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ DF+04b, author = {Frank Dylla and Alexander Ferrein and Gerhard Lakemeyer and Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Thomas Röfer and Frieder Stolzenburg and Ubbo Visser and Thomas Wagner}, title = {Towards a League-Independent Qualitative Soccer Theory for {R}obo{C}up}, year = 2004, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop~9 {Methods and Technology for Empirical Evaluation of Multi-Agent Systems and Multi-Robot Teams} at {KI~2004}}, address = {Ulm}, editor = {Freek Stulp and Hans Utz and Bernhard Nebel}, pages = {43-57}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ DF+04a, author = {Frank Dylla and Alexander Ferrein and Gerhard Lakemeyer and Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Thomas Röfer and Frieder Stolzenburg and Ubbo Visser and Thomas Wagner}, title = {Towards a League-Independent Qualitative Soccer Theory for {R}obo{C}up}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2004, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {6/2004}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2004/rr-6-2004.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2004 A} } @InProceedings{ Sto04, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Specifying Agent Systems (With and Without Coach)}, booktitle = {Logic Based Information Agents}, year = 2004, editor = {Jürgen Dix and Thomas Eiter and Enrico Franconi}, pages = 8, series = {Dagstuhl Seminar 04171 Abstracts Collections}, url = {https://drops.dagstuhl.de/portals/index.php?semnr=04171}, place = {EXTERN} } @TechReport{ SMS03b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Jan Murray and Karsten Sturm}, title = {Multiagent Matching Algorithms With and Without Coach}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2003, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {17/2003}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2003/rr-17-2003.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2003 C} } @InProceedings{ SA03, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Toshiaki Arai}, title = {From the Specification of Multiagent Systems by Statecharts to their Formal Analysis by Model Checking: Towards Safety-Critical Applications}, pages = {131-143}, editor = {Michael Schillo and Matthias Klusch and Jörg Müller and Huaglory Tianfield}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {1st German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies}}, address = {Erfurt}, year = 2003, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~2831}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-39869-1_12}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SMS03a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Jan Murray and Karsten Sturm}, title = {Multiagent Matching Algorithms With and Without Coach}, pages = {192-204}, editor = {Michael Schillo and Matthias Klusch and Jörg Müller and Huaglory Tianfield}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {1st German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies}}, address = {Erfurt}, year = 2003, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~2831}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-39869-1_17}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ SG+03, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Alejandro J. García and Carlos I. Chesñevar and Guillermo R. Simari}, title = {Computing Generalized Specificity}, journal = {Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics}, volume = 13, number = 1, pages = {87-113}, year = 2003, url = {https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3166/jancl.13.87-113}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto03, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Specification and Analysis of Multi-Agent Systems}, booktitle = {Logic-Based Programming of Multi-Agent Systems}, year = 2003, editor = {Jürgen Dix and Michael Fisher and Yingqian Zhang}, pages = 15, series = {Dagstuhl Seminar Report 361: Abstract of Talk}, url = {https://www.dagstuhl.de/Reports/02/02481.pdf}, place = {EXTERN} } @Article{ CD+03, author = {Carlos I. Chesñevar and Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg and Guillermo R. Simari}, title = {Relating Defeasible and Normal Logic Programming through Transformation Properties}, journal = {Theoretical Computer Science}, volume = 290, number = 1, pages = {499-529}, year = 2003, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0304-3975(02)00033-6}, place = {ORDNER 2000 A} } @InProceedings{ SOM02b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst and Jan Murray}, title = {Qualitative Velocity and Ball Interception}, booktitle = {KI-2002: Advances in Artificial Intelligence -- Proceedings of 25th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Aachen}, editor = {Matthias Jarke and Jana Köhler and Gerhard Lakemeyer}, year = 2002, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~2479}, pages = {283-298}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45751-8_19}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ AS02, author = {Toshiaki Arai and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Multiagent Systems Specification by {UML} Statecharts Aiming at Intelligent Manufacturing}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {1st International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems}}, year = 2002, address = {Bologna, Italy}, editors = {Cristiano Castelfranchi and W. Lewis Johnson}, pages = {11-18}, publisher = {ACM Press}, volume = 1, url = {https://doi.acm.org/10.1145/544741.544745}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ MOS02b, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz 2002 -- Short Team Description}, year = 2002, editor = {Gal A. Kaminka and Pedro U. Lima and Raul Rojas}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up 2002: Robot Soccer World Cup~{VI}}, note = {Pre-Proceedings}, address = {Fukuoka, Japan}, pages = 543, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SS02, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Karsten Sturm}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz 2002 -- Coach Description}, year = 2002, editor = {Gal A. Kaminka and Pedro U. Lima and Raul Rojas}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up 2002: Robot Soccer World Cup~{VI}}, note = {Pre-Proceedings}, address = {Fukuoka, Japan}, pages = 508, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ MOS02a, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz 2001}, year = 2002, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, note = {Team description}, editor = {Andreas Birk and Silvia Coradeschi and Satoshi Tadokoro}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up 2001: Robot Soccer World Cup~{V}}, series = {LNAI~2377}, pages = {526-530}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45603-1_75}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ SOM02a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst and Jan Murray}, title = {Qualitative Velocity and Ball Interception}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2002, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {4/2002}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2002/rr-4-2002.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2001 B} } @TechReport{ AS01, author = {Toshiaki Arai and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Multiagent Systems Specification by {UML} Statecharts Aiming at Intelligent Manufacturing}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2001, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {12/2001}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2001/rr-12-2001.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2001 B} } @TechReport{ Sto01b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {From the Specification of Multiagent Systems by Statecharts to their Formal Analysis by Model Checking}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2001, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {6/2001}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2001/rr-6-2001.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2001 B} } @InCollection{ MOS01b, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Towards a Logical Approach for Soccer Agents Engineering}, pages = {199-208}, year = 2001, series = {LNAI~2019}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, editor = {Peter Stone and Tucker Balch and Gerhard Kraetzschmar}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup~{IV}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45324-5_18}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ MOS01a, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz 2000}, pages = {469-472}, year = 2001, series = {LNAI~2019}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, note = {Team description}, editor = {Peter Stone and Tucker Balch and Gerhard Kraetzschmar}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup~{IV}}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45324-5_63}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto01a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Reasoning about Cognitive Robotics Systems}, booktitle = {Themenkolloquium {Kognitive Robotik und Raumrepräsentation} des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms {Raumkognition}}, year = 2001, editor = {Reinhard Moratz and Bernhard Nebel}, address = {Hamburg}, place = {ORDNER 2001 B} } @TechReport{ CD+01, author = {Carlos I. Chesñevar and Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg and Guillermo R. Simari}, title = {Relating Defeasible and Normal Logic Programming through Transformation Properties}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2001, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {3/2001}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2001/rr-3-2001.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2000 A} } @Article{ FOS00, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Intelligente {A}genten und {KI}}, journal = {LOG~IN -- Informatische Bildung und Computer in der Schule}, year = 2000, volume = 20, number = {3/4}, pages = {17-21}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SG+00b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Alejandro J. García and Carlos I. Chesñevar and Guillermo R. Simari}, title = {Introducing Generalized Specificity in Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {6th Argentine Congress on Computer Science}}, publisher = {JAIIO, Buenos Aires}, year = 2000, pages = {359-370}, address = {Ushuaia, Argentina}, editor = {Guillermo E. Feierherd}, isbn = {950-763-033-3}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ CD+00, author = {Carlos I. Chesñevar and Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg and Guillermo R. Simari}, title = {Relating Defeasible and Normal Logic Programming through Transformation Properties}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {6th Argentine Congress on Computer Science}}, publisher = {JAIIO, Buenos Aires}, year = 2000, pages = {371-382}, address = {Ushuaia, Argentina}, editor = {Guillermo E. Feierherd}, isbn = {950-763-033-3}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ MOS00d, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Towards a Logical Approach for Soccer Agents Engineering}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {4th International Workshop on {R}obo{C}up}}, year = 2000, address = {Melbourne}, editor = {Tucker Balch and Peter Stone and Gerhard Kraetzschmar}, pages = {90-99}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ MOS00c, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Towards a Logical Approach for Soccer Agents Engineering}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2000, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {6/2000}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2000/rr-6-2000.pdf}, place = {EXTERN} } @InCollection{ SO+00, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst and Jan Murray and Björn Bremer}, title = {Spatial Agents Implemented in a Logical Expressible Language}, year = 2000, series = {LNAI~1856}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, editor = {Manuela Veloso and Enrico Pagello and Hiroaki Kitano}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up-99: Robot Soccer World Cup~{III}}, pages = {481-494}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45327-X_41}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ MOS00b, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz}, year = 2000, series = {LNAI~1856}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}, note = {Team description}, editor = {Manuela Veloso and Enrico Pagello and Hiroaki Kitano}, booktitle = {{R}obo{C}up-99: Robot Soccer World Cup~{III}}, pages = {628-631}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-45327-X_67}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ SG+00a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Alejandro J. García and Carlos I. Chesñevar and Guillermo R. Simari}, title = {Introducing Generalized Specificity in Logic Programming}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 2000, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {4/2000}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb2000/rr-4-2000.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 2000 A} } @InProceedings{ MOS00a, author = {Jan Murray and Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz 2000}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Workshop for the Robocup European Championship}}, year = 2000, editor = {Wiebe van der Hoek}, organization = {Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam}, note = {Team description}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ Sto00, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Clause and Effect -- {P}rolog Programming for the Working Programmer}, journal = {KI}, year = 2000, volume = 14, number = 1, pages = 65, note = {Buchrezension}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ MS+99, author = {Jan Murray and Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst and Björn Bremer}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz: Complex Agent Scripts Implemented in Logic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Workshop {R}obo{C}up} at {KI'99}}, address = {Bonn}, editor = {Stefan Sablatnög and Stefan Enderle}, year = 1999, pages = {12-25}, series = {SFB~527 Report 1999/12}, publisher = {Universität Ulm}, place = {EXTERN} } @Article{ OS99, author = {Oliver Obst and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Der {R}obo{C}up während der {IJCAI}'99}, journal = {KI}, year = 1999, volume = 13, number = 4, pages = {66-67}, note = {Tagungsbericht}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SO+99c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst and Jan Murray and Björn Bremer}, title = {{R}obo{L}og {K}oblenz: Spatial Agents Implemented in a Logical Expressible Language}, booktitle = {Team Descriptions --- Simulation League}, editor = {Silvia Coradeschi and Tucker Balch and Gerhard Kraetzschmar and Peter Stone}, publisher = {Linköping University Electronic Press}, pages = {116-120}, year = 1999, url = {https://www.ida.liu.se/ext/robocup/simul/RobologKoblenz99/teampage.html}, place = {ORDNER 1999 A} } @InProceedings{ SO+99b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst and Jan Murray and Björn Bremer}, title = {Spatial Agents Implemented in a Logical Expressible Language}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {3rd International Workshop on {R}obo{C}up} at {16th Joint International Conference on Artificial Intelligence}}, year = 1999, address = {Stockholm}, editor = {Manuela M. Veloso}, pages = {205-210}, publisher = {IJCAI press}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ SO+99a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst and Jan Murray and Björn Bremer}, title = {Spatial Agents Implemented in a Logical Expressible Language}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1999, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {4/99}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb1999/RR-4-99.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 1999 A} } @InProceedings{ DS+99, author = {Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg and Guillermo R. Simari and Pablo R. Fillottrani}, title = {Automating Defeasible Reasoning with Logic Programming ({DeReLoP})}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {2nd German-Argentinian Workshop on Information Technology}}, editor = {Stefan Jähnichen and Irene Loiseau}, address = {Königswinter}, year = 1999, pages = {39-46}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ Sto99d, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Loop-Detection in Hyper-Tableaux by Powerful Model Generation}, journal = {Journal of Universal Computer Science}, year = 1999, volume = 5, number = 3, pages = {135-155}, note = {Special issue on {Integration of Deduction Systems}. Issue editors: Reiner Hähnle, Wolfram Menzel, Peter H. Schmitt, and Wolfgang Reif}, publisher = {Springer}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.3217/jucs-005-03-0135}, place = {ORDNER 1998 C} } @TechReport{ Sto99c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Loop-Detection in Hyper-Tableaux by Powerful Model Generation}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1999, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {2/99}, url = {https://www.uni-koblenz-landau.de/de/koblenz/fb4/publikationen/fachberichte/fb1999/RR-2-99.pdf}, place = {ORDNER 1998 C} } @InProceedings{ Sto99b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Declarativity and Constraints in a Multi-Agent System Architecture for Spatial Reasoning}, booktitle = {Themenkolloquium {Räumliche Inferenz} des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms {Raumkognition}: Beiträge zur Gestaltung der Schnittstelle zwischen maschinellem und mentalem Problemlösen}, year = 1999, editor = {Christoph Schlieder}, address = {Freiburg}, place = {ORDNER 1999 A} } @Article{ Sto99a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {An Algorithm for General Set Unification and Its Complexity}, journal = {Journal of Automated Reasoning}, year = 1999, volume = 22, number = 1, pages = {45-63}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1023/A:1006019227709}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ BD+98, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Ingo Dahn and Jürgen Dix and Ulrich Furbach and Micha Kühn and Frieder Stolzenburg and Bernd Thomas}, title = {Automated Deduction: A Technological Point of View}, journal = {KI}, year = 1998, volume = 12, number = 4, pages = {7-14}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ DS98, author = {Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Framework to Incorporate Non-Monotonic Reasoning into Constraint Logic Programming}, journal = {Journal of Logic Programming}, year = 1998, volume = 37, number = {1-3}, pages = {47-76}, note = {Special issue on {Constraint Logic Programming}. Issue editors: Kim Marriott and Peter J. Stuckey}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0743-1066(98)10003-1}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ OM+98, author = {Oliver Obst and Jan Murray and Frieder Stolzenburg and Björn Bremer}, title = {Towards Deduction in {R}obo{C}up}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {{R}obo{C}up Workshop} at {KI'98}}, year = 1998, address = {Bremen}, place = {ORDNER 1999 A} } @Article{ Sto98d, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Flexible System for Constraint Disjunctive Logic Programming}, journal = {KI}, year = 1998, volume = 12, number = 2, pages = {73-78}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ ST98, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Bernd Thomas}, title = {Analyzing Rule Sets for the Calculation of Banking Fees by a Theorem Prover with Constraints}, booktitle = {Automated Deduction -- A Basis for Applications. Volume~III: Applications}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic}, editor = {Wolfgang Bibel and Peter H. Schmitt}, pages = {243-264}, year = 1998, address = {Dordrecht, The Netherlands}, series = {Applied Logic Series 10}, note = {Final Report of DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm {Deduktion}}, place = {REGAL [I-III]} } @InProceedings{ Sto98c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Loop-Detection in Hyper-Tableaux by Powerful Model Generation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on {Integration of Deductive Systems} at {15th International Conference on Automated Deduction}}, year = 1998, pages = {76-84}, editor = {Nikolaj S. Bj{\o}rner and Reiner Hähnle and Wolfram Menzel and Wolfgang Reif and Peter H. Schmitt}, address = {Lindau, Germany}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ FKS98, author = {Ulrich Furbach and Michael Kühn and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Model-Guided Proof Debugging}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1998, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {6/98}, place = {ORDNER 1998 A} } @Article{ Sto98b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{C}onstraint-{P}rogrammierung}, journal = {KI}, year = 1998, volume = 12, number = 1, pages = 63, note = {Buchrezension}, place = {REGAL} } @Book{ Sto98a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Disjunctive Logic Programming with Constraints and its Applications}, publisher = {Fölbach}, address = {Koblenz}, series = {Koblenzer Schriften zur Informatik 7}, year = 1998, note = {Dissertation. Reviewers: Ulrich~Furbach and Joxan~Jaffar}, isbn = {3-923532-56-3}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto98a.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SH+97, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Stephan Höhne and Ulrich Koch and Martin Volk}, title = {Constraint Logic Programming for Computational Linguistics}, booktitle = {Selected Papers of 1st International Conference on {Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics} 1996}, editor = {Christian Retoré}, year = 1997, address = {Nancy}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~1328}, pages = {406-425}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BFb0052169}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ SO97b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst}, title = {Reasoning with Constraints and Well-Founded Negation}, booktitle = {Documents of ERCIM/Compulog Workshop on Constraints}, year = 1997, address = {Schloss Hagenberg, Linz}, place = {ORDNER 1997 B} } @InProceedings{ SO97a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Oliver Obst}, title = {Reasoning with Constraints and Well-Founded Negation}, booktitle = {Jahrestreffen der GI-Fachgruppe 1.2.1 {Deduktionssysteme} -- Kurzfassungen der Vorträge}, year = 1997, editor = {Peter Baumgartner}, pages = {9-10}, address = {Schloss Dagstuhl}, series = {Fachberichte Informatik 23/97}, publisher = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ DS97b, author = {Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Framework to Incorporate Non-Monotonic Reasoning into Constraint Logic Programming}, year = 1997, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {16/97}, place = {EXTERN} } @InProceedings{ DS97a, author = {Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Computation of Non-Ground Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics with Constraint Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Selected Papers of Workshop on {Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming} at {Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming} 1996}, address = {Bad Honnef}, year = 1997, pages = {202-226}, editor = {Jürgen Dix and Luís Moniz Pereira and Teodor C. Przymusinski}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~1216}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/BFb0023808}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ BFS97, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Ulrich Furbach and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Computing answers with model elimination}, journal = {Artificial Intelligence}, year = 1997, volume = 90, number = {1-2}, pages = {135-176}, url = {https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/S0004-3702(96)00042-2}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ SH+96b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Stephan Höhne and Ulrich Koch and Martin Volk}, title = {Constraint Logic Programming for Computational Linguistics}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1996, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {26/96}, place = {ORDNER 1996 B} } @TechReport{ Sto96e, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Flexible System for Constraint Disjunctive Logic Programming}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1996, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {19/96}, place = {ORDNER 1997 B} } @InProceedings{ SH+96a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Stephan Höhne and Ulrich Koch and Martin Volk}, title = {Constraint Logic Programming for Computational Linguistics}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Conference on Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics}, editor = {Christian Retoré}, year = 1996, organization = {INRIA Lorraine and CRIN-C.N.R.S.}, address = {Nancy}, pages = {19-23}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto96d, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {A Flexible System for Constraint Disjunctive Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Deklarative Constraint-Programmierung -- Workshop der FG 1.1.1 der GI zur KI-96}, year = 1996, editor = {Ulrich Geske and Helmut Simonis}, pages = {43-58}, address = {Dresden}, series = {GMD-Studien 297}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto96c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Ein flexibles {S}ystem zur {D}isjunktiven {L}ogischen {P}rogrammierung mit {C}onstraints}, booktitle = {Fortschritte der Künstlichen Intelligenz}, year = 1996, editor = {Michael Thielscher and Sven-Erik Bornscheuer}, pages = 50, publisher = {Dresden University Press}, note = {Aus den Workshops der 20. Deutschen Jahrestagung für Künstliche Intelligenz}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ DS96b, author = {Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Computation of Non-Ground Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics with Constraint Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on {Non-Monotonic Extensions of Logic Programming} at {Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming}}, year = 1996, editor = {Jürgen Dix and Luís Moniz Pereira and Teodor C. Przymusinski}, pages = {143-160}, address = {Bad Honnef, Germany}, series = {Fachberichte Informatik 17/96}, publisher = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ AB+96b, author = {Chandrabose Aravindan and Peter Baumgartner and Jürgen Dix and Ulrich Furbach and Gerd Neugebauer and Ilkka Niemelä and Dorothea Schäfer and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {On Merging Theorem Proving and Logic Programming Paradigms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Poster Session at {Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming}}, address = {Bad Honnef}, year = 1996, editor = {Norbert E. Fuchs and Ulrich Geske}, pages = {99-122}, series = {GMD-Studien 296}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ AB+96a, author = {Chandrabose Aravindan and Peter Baumgartner and Jürgen Dix and Ulrich Furbach and Gerd Neugebauer and Ilkka Niemelä and Dorothea Schäfer and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {On Merging Theorem Proving and Logic Programming Paradigms}, booktitle = {Proceedings of {Joint International Conference and Symposium on Logic Programming}}, address = {Bad Honnef}, year = 1996, editor = {Michael Maher}, pages = 546, publisher = {MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, London}, note = {Poster}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ DS96a, author = {Jürgen Dix and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Computation of Non-Ground Disjunctive Well-Founded Semantics with Constraint Logic Programming}, booktitle = {Disjunctive Logic Programming and Databases: Non-Monotonic Aspects}, year = 1996, editor = {Jürgen Dix and Donald W. Loveland and Jack Minker and David S. Warren}, pages = 21, series = {Dagstuhl Seminar Report 150: Abstract of Talk}, url = {https://www.dagstuhl.de/Reports/96/9627.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ ST96, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Bernd Thomas}, title = {Analysing Rule Sets for the Calculation of Banking Fees by a Theorem Prover with Constraints}, year = 1996, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Practical Application of Constraint Technology}, address = {London}, publisher = {Practical Application Company}, pages = {269-282}, place = {REGAL} } @InCollection{ Sto96b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Membership-Constraints and Complexity in Logic Programming with Sets}, booktitle = {Frontiers in Combining Systems}, publisher = {Kluwer Academic}, editor = {Franz Baader and Klaus U. Schulz}, pages = {285-302}, year = 1996, address = {Dordrecht, The Netherlands}, series = {Applied Logic Series 3}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ Sto96a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Die maschinelle {K}unst des {D}enkens: {P}erspektiven und {G}renzen der {K}ünstlichen {I}ntelligenz}, journal = {KI}, year = 1996, volume = 10, number = 2, pages = 51, note = {Buchrezension}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ BD+96, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Jürgen Dix and Ulrich Furbach and Dorothea Schäfer and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{D}eduktion und {L}ogisches {P}rogrammieren}, journal = {KI}, year = 1996, volume = 10, number = 2, pages = {34-39}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ BS95b, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{J}ahrestreffen der {GI}-{F}achgruppe 1.2.1 {Deduktion}}, journal = {KI}, year = 1995, volume = 9, number = 6, pages = {80-81}, note = {Tagungsbericht}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ BD+95, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Jürgen Dix and Ulrich Furbach and Dorothea Schäfer and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{D}eduktion und {L}ogisches {P}rogrammieren}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1995, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {17/95}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ ST95, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Bernd Thomas}, title = {Analysing Rule Sets for the Calculation of Banking Fees by a Theorem Prover with Constraints}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1995, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {14/95}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ Sto95, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Membership-Constraints and Complexity in Logic Programming with Sets}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1995, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {13/95}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ BFS95c, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Ulrich Furbach and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Model Elimination, Logic Programming and Computing Answers}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 14th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, address = {Montréal}, year = 1995, pages = {335-340}, volume = 1, organization = {IJCAI Inc., San Mateo, CA}, publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann, Los Altos, CA}, place = {ORDNER 1995 B} } @InProceedings{ BS95a, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Constraint Model Elimination and a {PTTP}-Implementation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 4th Workshop on Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods}, year = 1995, editor = {Peter Baumgartner and Reiner Hähnle and Joachim Posegga}, pages = {201-216}, publisher = {Springer}, series = {LNAI~918}, url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/3-540-59338-1_37}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ BFS95b, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Ulrich Furbach and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Computing Answers and Logic Programming by Model Elimination Based Theorem Proving}, booktitle = {Working Notes of 2nd Workshop on {Automated reasoning: Bridging the gap between theory and practice}}, year = 1995, editor = {Andrew Ireland}, pages = {3-4}, organization = {Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour}, address = {Sheffield}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ BFS95a, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Ulrich Furbach and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Model Elimination, Logic Programming and Computing Answers}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1995, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {1/95}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ BS94, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Constraint Model Elimination and a {PTTP}-Implementation}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on {Constraint Languages and their Use in Problem Modelling} at {International Logic Programming Symposium}}, address = {Ithaca, NY}, year = 1994, editor = {Jean Jourdan and Pierre Lim and Roland H. C. Yap}, pages = {217-231}, note = {Technical Report 94/19}, publisher = {Department of Computer Science, University of Melbourne}, volume = 2, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ SB94, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Peter Baumgartner}, title = {Constraint Model Elimination and a {PTTP}-Implementation}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1994, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {10/94}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto94c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Logic Programming with Sets by Membership-Constraints}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 10th Logic Programming Workshop}, year = 1994, editor = {Norbert E. Fuchs and Georg Gottlob}, organization = {Institut für Informatik}, address = {Universität Zürich}, series = {Technical Report ifi 94.10}, pages = {48-51}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ BD+94, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Jürgen Dix and Ulrich Furbach and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {The Spectrum of Model Elimination Based Theorem Proving}, booktitle = {Informal Proceedings of 11th Annual Meeting of {GI-Fachgruppe Deduktionssysteme}}, address = {Darmstadt}, year = 1994, editor = {Wolfgang Bibel and Christoph Walter}, pages = 5, series = {Technical Report AIDA-94-06}, publisher = {Technische Hochschule Darmstadt}, place = {ORDNER 1995 A} } @InProceedings{ BFS94, author = {Peter Baumgartner and Ulrich Furbach and Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Applications of Theory Reasoning in Model Elimination}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop {Theory Reasoning in Automated Deduction}, at {12th International Conference on Automated Deduction}}, address = {Nancy}, year = 1994, editor = {Peter Baumgartner and Hans-Jürgen Bürckert and Hubert Comon and Alan Frisch and Ulrich Furbach and Neil Murray and Uwe Petermann and Mark Stickel}, pages = {7-13}, series = {Fachberichte Informatik 8/94}, publisher = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ Sto94b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Grammatikentwicklung mit {C}onstraint-{L}ogikprogrammierung}, journal = {KI}, year = 1994, volume = 8, number = 3, pages = {75-76}, note = {Buchrezension}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ Sto94a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Membership-Constraints and Some Applications}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1994, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {5/94}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto93c, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{T}autologie-{P}runing}, booktitle = {Workshop {PTTP-basiertes Theorembeweisen}}, year = 1993, editor = {Peter Baumgartner}, publisher = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, series = {Fachberichte Informatik 7/93}, place = {ORDNER 1993 C} } @TechReport{ Sto93b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {An Algorithm for General Set Unification and its Complexity}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1993, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {3/93}, place = {REGAL} } @InProceedings{ Sto93a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {An Algorithm for General Set Unification and its Complexity}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Workshop on {Logic Programming with Sets} at {10th International Conference on Logic Programming}}, year = 1993, editor = {Eugenio G. Omodeo and Gianfranco Rossi}, pages = {17-22}, address = {Budapest}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ Sto92b, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {Typisierte {M}erkmalstrukturen und {HPSG}: {E}ine {E}rweiterung von {UBS} in {SEPIA}}, address = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik}, year = 1992, type = {Diplomarbeit}, number = {D~192}, note = {Reviewers: Martin Volk and Ulrich Furbach}, url = {https://artint.hs-harz.de/fstolzenburg/papers/Sto92b.pdf}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ SB+92, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Alexander Bach and Christian Lieske and Hanno Ridder and Martin Volk}, title = {3rd {E}uropean {S}ummer {S}chool on {L}anguage, {L}ogic and {I}nformation, {S}aarbrücken 1991}, journal = {KI}, year = 1992, volume = 6, number = 1, pages = {46-47}, note = {Tagungsbericht}, place = {REGAL} } @TechReport{ Sto92a, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{UBS} -- A Unification-Based Language for the Implementation of {HPSG}}, institution = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, year = 1992, type = {Fachberichte Informatik}, number = {2/92}, place = {REGAL} } @Article{ SV92, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg and Martin Volk}, title = {{UBS} -- {E}ine unifikationsbasierte {S}prache zur {I}mplementation von {HPSG}}, journal = {Journal of Language Technology and Computational Linguistics (LDV-Forum)}, year = 1992, volume = 9, number = 1, pages = {10-13}, url = {https://jlcl.org/content/2-allissues/41-Heft1-1992/2.pdf}, place = {ORDNER SS 1991} } @TechReport{ Sto91, author = {Frieder Stolzenburg}, title = {{UBS} -- {E}ine unifikationsbasierte {S}prache zur {I}mplementation von {HPSG}}, address = {Universität Koblenz-Landau}, institution = {Fachbereich Informatik}, year = 1991, type = {Studienarbeit}, number = {S~212}, place = {REGAL} }